How much
RAM is in a supercomputer?
Supercomputer utilizes 1.4 million GB RAM in
order to calculate the single second of brain activity in humans.
A number of world's biggest supercomputers has accurately recorded
one second's worth of activity within the human brain in what scientists claim
to be the most precise simulation ever.
Scientists from Japan have created a simulation of one percent of
the neuronal network inside the brain by using the K computer, which is the
fourth-highest performing supercomputer on the planet.
With 705,024 processor cores , and 1.4 millionGB RAM available the
K computer took just 40 minutes to simulate the data in a test intended to test
the power of the supercomputer and determine the limitations for brain
The project involved two teams of the Japanese researchers RIKEN as
well as The German Forschungszentrum Julich centre collaborate using to use the
Neural Simulation Technology software to recreate the network comprised of 1.73
billion neuron cells as well as 10.4 trillion synapses.
"If petascale computers like the K computer are capable of
representing one per cent of the network of a human brain today, then we know
that simulating the whole brain at the level of the individual nerve cell and
its synapses will be possible with exascale computers - hopefully available
within the next decade," one of the researchers Markus Diesmann
Exascale computing refers to supercomputers that are able to
perform quintillion floating-point operations per second, which is roughly what
the human brain is capable of.
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